Think or Sink: The One Choice That Changes Everything- By Gina Mollicone-Long
The instinctive response to any crisis or challenge is a predictable, hard-wired physiological reaction: the fight-or-flight response. The problem isn't the response itself, the problem is using it in situations that don't really warrant it. Moreover, when used too often this inappropriate stress response can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health. By contrast, successful people and great leaders have learned to control their flight-or-flight reaction. They think for themselves, choosing empowering states of being instead of sinking into the prevailing negative state of their circumstances and the people around them. In Think or Sink, Gina Mollicone-Long shows readers how to gain control of their responses and produce powerful results. Rather than a book about what to think, it's a book about how to think. By learning how to make good decisions, readers are able to not only meet challenges head on, but to benefit from them as well.
Softcover/Very Good