Easy Sushi- By Emi Kazuko
With clean, fresh flavours and great good looks, sushi has never been so popular. It's delicious as a light meal or as part of a more substantial Japanese dinner and makes perfect party food. The term "sushi" is taken from sumeshi, meaning vinegared rice, a vital part of all sushi dishes, In "Easy Sushi" Japanese food writer Emi Kazuko shows you how to cook the rice perfectly and how to make simple rolled sushi using classic ingredients such a cucumber, tuna, or salmon. Once you've mastered the easy ones you can explore more adventurous variations, using easy-to-find ingredients. Emi's philosophy is that creating sushi should be fun and there is even a section on sushi for children. If you thought making sushi was strictly for the professionals. Easy Sushi will amaze you. With Emi's simple-to-prepare recipes, all captured by leading food photographer Peter Cassidy, you will never eat take-out sushi again!