Voices of Vocation: Stories of Purposeful Life Work in Teaching, Mentoring, and Leading- Edited By Tracy Wenger Sadd

Voices of Vocation: Stories of Purposeful Life Work in Teaching, Mentoring, and Leading- Edited By Tracy Wenger Sadd

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This book is a celebration of a journey of vocations both individual and institutional, the importance of deep and authentic community, the formative and transformative impact of mentoring, and the power of partnerships. What does it mean to celebrate the individual voices of vocation on a campus in all of their uniqueness, beauty, and resonance? What happens when faculty and staff across academic departments and administrative offices integrate exploration of vocation and purposeful life work in their teaching, advising, and leading? In Part One: Vocation and Heritage of the College, faculty and staff from religious studies, history, and peace and conflict studies offer essays on the historic and theological meanings of vocation and purposeful life work. In part Two: Integrating Personal Life Stories and Purposeful Life Work, staff from international student services, and faculty from sociology occupational therapy, and physics and engineering explore the weaving together of personal and professional narratives over a lifetime into a meaningful whole. IN Part Three: Purposeful Lives, Well-Being, and a Growth Mindset, one vice-president, and two staff, one in civic engagement and one in strengths and servant leadership connect students' development in vocation and calling to the overall well-being of individuals, campuses, the workforce, and society. In Part Four: Vocation and Purposeful Life Work in Teaching and Advising, three faculty in music, religious studies, and communications, discuss transformative changes in classroom pedagogy and academic advising related to a commitment to the exploration of vocation and purposeful life work. In Part Five: Vocation and Purposeful Life Work in the Co-Curriculum, staff from athletics, resident life, and the chaplain's office, discuss specific programs implemented to help students think about strengths, calling, purpose, and ethical leadership in the world.


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